Decision making under chronic stress and anxiety: State and trait anxiety impact contextual updating but not feedback learning


Humans explore to learn the structure of our environment. However, it remains unclear how consistent humans are in the exploration strategies we use and how often we explore across different environments which vary in their volatility. Using a within-subjects design, participants (n = 30) completed (1) a non-stationary bandit task where the reward values changed throughout, and (2) a stationary bandit task where one option always gave better reward. We used a series of reinforcement learning models to understand the exploration strategies humans adopted in the two tasks. We found that most participants adopted a behavioural heuristic strategy (Win-Stay, Lose-Shift) in the non-stationary bandit task. In contrast, most participants adopted a probabilistic, random exploration strategy (Softmax) in the stationary bandit task. We compared our results when fitting models individually within each task to when fitting models across both tasks—that is focusing on long-term predictions. When fitting across both tasks we found that most participants solely adopted a probabilistic, random exploration strategy. In addition, we found a moderate, positive relationship between exploration rate in each of the two bandit tasks. Our findings show that humans can flexibly adopt different exploration strategies depending on task demands, which we suggest is because the two bandit tasks assessed different aspects of learning and required different levels of cognitive flexibility. In addition, we speculate that the relationship between exploration rate could reflect a personality trait such as risk-taking. In sum, we found evidence for the flexible use of exploration strategies, while also observing evidence of the generalization of exploration across tasks.

Computational Brain & Behavior
Thomas Donald Ferguson
Thomas Donald Ferguson
Postdoctoral Researcher, Data Analyst, Computational Neuroscientist